Aka Taxi provides reliable taxi services across regions in Uzbekistan, offering customers convenient and affordable transportation options


Image of a computer and keyboard on a desk


The Aka Taxi CRM system faced challenges in managing dynamic pricing across multiple regions, as well as monitoring driver locations. To solve this, I built a dynamic table for flexible taxi fare adjustments and integrated Yandex Maps for real-time tracking and regional filtering of drivers. Additionally, I developed a custom dynamic permissions system that automatically generates admin roles for partners, allowing them to manage their own services independently within the platform.

Image of people at a desk with their computers
Image of people at a desk with their computers

Production technology in detail

I used React, TypeScript, and React Query for efficient state management, along with React Hook Form for form handling. To optimize performance, I applied memoization with memo and useMemo, and integrated Yandex Maps for driver location tracking and regional filtering

Image of people working at their computers in an office
Image of people working at their computers in an office
Image of hand drawn wireframes
Image of hand drawn wireframes
Image of someone sketching logos
Image of someone sketching logos
Image of a man wearing a beanie from behind
Image of a man wearing a beanie from behind
Image of an iPhone lying on a table